Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Join Cave Paper to Discuss Becoming a Cooperative

Cave Paper* would like to find out if there is support in the community to restructure from an "S" Corp to a cooperative. Cooperatives offer many levels of ownership including working members and investment members. There will be two exploratory meetings at Cave's possible new location.

MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55406-2630

Saturday Sept 9th 10:30-11:30 and/or
Sunday Sept 24 1:30-2:30

All welcome, no RSVP necessary. Snacks provided but you might want to bring a chair.

This huge space is seeking other artists who work in any media and need work space. Landlord will be present.

Anyone, near or far, who would like to continue to be on a snail mail or email list needs to let Amanda Degener know. 612-998-8075 Cavepaperorders@gmail.com.

Please share with others who might be interested.

*Cave Paper is a Minneapolis based handmade paper mill with an international reputation and 22 years of an active internship program.www.cavepaper.com

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